Benefits of Collaborative School Leadership

Collaborative leadership is a process.  It is not a one time event.  It can happen in almost any situation and with any school or business.  There are so many benefits of collaborative leadership.  Let’s take a look at a few.

Collaborative Leadership Benefits


In my experience, more than one set of eyes and hands on a problem can lead to bigger and better results.  A group of people can brainstorm the problem from every angle and uncover something that you might otherwise miss. The campus leader keeps the group on focus and often facilitates the meetings.  The group considers the problem, decides what to do and makes a plan.  If you ever need for your campus to make a big shift in change, this is the most effective way to do it.  Everyone has a voice and everyone has buy-in.   It was ultimately their decision and not yours that helps campus accept the change.  

Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.- Tom Peters


Recognize the strength and talents of the people around you.  There are so many experts on our campuses.  Some are hidden and some talents are prevalent.  What can your staff do to make the campus a better place for students to learn?  Tap into their talents and put it to good use.  Your campus will soar to new heights and shine in the spotlight.  For example, a teacher who is great with technology shares how to involve parents via Periscope, Facetime, Skype, etc…  A teacher who is extremely organized keeps the records for the group.  A teacher who is fantastic at public speaking is in charge of speaking to various groups on campus and in the community.  When this all falls into place, your campus will be lead by the educators instead of one campus leader.

It’s not the tools you have faith in.  Tools are just tools- they work, or they don’t work.  It’s the people you have faith in or not.- Steve Jobs


If collaborative leadership is uncomfortable to you or it is just not your style, I urge you to try it this year.  Make it a goal to step out of your comfort zone.  Lead with a purpose.  Spend time with your staff really listening to what they have to say.  This will allow you to make a real difference and address their true needs.  The staff will begin to take notice that you are helping make the school a great place to work.  They will be engaged and willing to step out of their comfort zones too.  Before you know it, your school is a force to reckon with.

Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.- John Maxwell

Picture of Stephanie McConnell

Stephanie McConnell

I’m Stephanie, and I’m the face behind Principal Principles. I’m a former principal turned educational consultant, presenter, and edupreneur. I’m obsessed with giving school leaders the tools they need to lead a successful school.

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Hi, I'm Stephanie

Hello friend! Welcome to Principal Principles. I’m Stephanie, and I’m the face behind Principal Principles. I’m a former principal turned educational consultant, presenter, and edupreneur. I’m obsessed with giving school leaders the tools they need to lead a successful school.


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