How to Make Amazing Presentations

I have to admit I am more inclined to pay attention while in a meeting if the presentation itself is attractive.  I think when a presenter takes the time to make it visually appealing it shows a little about them.  Our boring presentations on data, budget, and building maintenance can be visually beautiful.

Here are a few tricks of the track on making your presentations more attractive.  
I have created a few training videos to demo how to create presentations using Microsoft Powerpoint and other presentation media resources.  
This is absolutely free.  There are no hidden costs.  No cost later down the road either.  
Free now and free later.

Why?  Because it is important that we as educators share our best resources with each other.  

How does it work?
Over the school year, I will share all the amazing resources I have used and provide suggestions on how to use them yourself.  It’s called “dripping” the content to you.  
Why “drip” it?
Dripping it helps you practice parts of the resources and ask questions while trying it out.  It also helps me by giving me time to create the videos and handouts for you.  Just like you, my schedule is busy.  Dripping the lessons over the course of the school year gives me time to create the demonstration videos for you.  
More info
  • You do not need to be a computer expert!  I do not claim to be one either.  
  • The demonstrations are saved as video (.mov) which allows you to stop and replay the steps.

  • I’m from Texas and I have an accent.  I can’t help it y’all.  (I hope I didn’t say y’all in the video but it may have slipped out.) #Texasproud 


Let’s Get Started

Picture of Stephanie McConnell

Stephanie McConnell

I’m Stephanie, and I’m the face behind Principal Principles. I’m a former principal turned educational consultant, presenter, and edupreneur. I’m obsessed with giving school leaders the tools they need to lead a successful school.

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Hi, I'm Stephanie

Hello friend! Welcome to Principal Principles. I’m Stephanie, and I’m the face behind Principal Principles. I’m a former principal turned educational consultant, presenter, and edupreneur. I’m obsessed with giving school leaders the tools they need to lead a successful school.


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