What is WIN Time? 

WIN Time stands for What I Need. 

WIN Time is a 45 minute period on Monday-Friday embedded in the Master Schedule for students to self-regulate and prioritize their learning. WIN Time acknowledges that students lead busy lives and navigate competing demands for their time in and outside of school. WIN Time provides students the opportunity to self-direct and engages in their own learning.

While some school-wide initiatives might occur during WIN Time, teachers will not be teaching the new course material. Teachers will be accessible to students for additional help and guidance on current and ongoing learning. As this is school instructional time, students are expected to be in the classroom or designated learning space for the entire WIN Time period.

WHAT are the benefits of WIN Time?

WIN Time provides students the opportunity to:

  • Complete assignments
  • Practice presentations
  • Study for tests & quizzes
  • Receive help from a teacher
  • Make progress on long-term assignments
  • Collaborate with classmates on group assignments
  • Reduce homework
  • Improve skills in a specific area
  • Engage in a personal passion project of interest

Our Mission:

To ensure that ALL students learn at grade level or higher.

HOW to start WIN Time?

WIN Time: Secondary and WIN Time Elementary are now available for download. You can edit them to brand to your district and add your campus information throughout. The guidebook and the PowerPoint allow you to communicate the system on your campus. These two pieces have been a big lifesaver.  When you put in a new system, communication is imperative. 

At my school, creating a guiding advisory team was important to me.  I wanted WIN Time to be successful, so I needed the teachers to help build it and create ownership over it.   The templates below will help you every step of the way.


Letting students lead goal setting is one way to foster student ownership and begin to create a learner-centered environment. Research shows that students who feel ownership of their learning are more likely to persevere in the face of challenges and take steps to proactively meet their goals. When students monitor their own progress, it means that they have set a goal and know how to measure where they are in the process of achieving it.

When students track their own progress on assessments using graphic displays, the gains are even higher. Students are never too young to begin tracking!


Looking for a better and easier way to implement your WIN Time program? Take WIN Time Software for a test drive! Visit www.wintime.education to view the demo videos and get started with a free demo school. #WINTime


If you already have a WIN Time set up on your campus, here is Program Implementation Evaluation toolkit that is used to determine the school’s progress toward WIN implementation.  Your school can quickly identify the areas it should improve and the areas it should protect.  Section 2 of the guide helps to develop a process for implementation.  Following the essential questions, sample check in documents, and focus agendas for 30-60-90 day milestones are intended to help put action to implementation.
JOIN THE WIN TIME FACEBOOK GROUP if you are looking to collaborate more around creating a win on your campus!
Picture of Stephanie McConnell

Stephanie McConnell

I’m Stephanie, and I’m the face behind Principal Principles. I’m a former principal turned educational consultant, presenter, and edupreneur. I’m obsessed with giving school leaders the tools they need to lead a successful school.

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Hi, I'm Stephanie

Hello friend! Welcome to Principal Principles. I’m Stephanie, and I’m the face behind Principal Principles. I’m a former principal turned educational consultant, presenter, and edupreneur. I’m obsessed with giving school leaders the tools they need to lead a successful school.


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